10 Of The Best Winter Activities in NY

Have you ever been bored during the cold winter days that only consist of watching TV and sleeping for a crazy amount of hours? With these winter activities, there’s no way you’ll feel that way again!

Coming home from months of hard work, piles of assignments, and tons of stress, I was ready to spend some time with my family and friends. I had already been thinking about the things we could do during the entire month I would have off. But sometimes, it’s hard to think of what to do during the holiday season when it’s so cold outside! To battle this problem, I have come up with a list of a few holiday activities that are bound to make your days wonderful!

1. Ice Skate at Bryant Park

2. Build a Snowman

3. Watch Christmas Movies

4. Make Hot Chocolate and Cookies

5. See the Christmas Lights at Dyker Heights

6. Make Snow Angels

7. Decorate a Christmas Tree

8. Go Shopping

9. Visit the Tree at Rockefeller Center

10. Go sledding

11. Get Your Nails Done

12. Make a Gingerbread House

13. See the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular

14. Listen to Christmas Music

15. Spend Time With Your Family & Friends

Sometimes, all we need during the holiday season is our family and friends; the people we love. All it takes to have fun is to be in their presence, but sometimes we need to go out and have some fun. I’d like to believe that Christmas and the holiday season are never over, but eventually, they do have to come to an end. So, enjoy what’s left of the winter season, because hopefully, spring will soon be on its way!

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